ของเล่นใหม่ น่าสนมาก แต่ของผม 2จี อดไปเลย
iTimeLapse - Create stunning time lapse and stop motion videos straight from any iphone, iPod, or iPad 2!
Finally, you can make and share Time Lapse videos like the pro's without having to sync to your computer.
It's so easy, anyone can do it... be an artist!
iTimeLapse allows you to capture a series of images rapidly and then compile them into a video.
iTimeLapse lets you create as many sessions as you want, adding images to them at any time... No need to finish in one sitting.
Then as soon as you're ready, you can compile the images into a video and share it in many ways: YouTube direct upload, Facebook, Vimeo, Email it, Export it to your Camera Roll so it syncs with iPhoto, USB transfer, or WiFi transfer too!